How to cancel Premium?

We’re sorry to see you go, but we understand that sometimes things change.

You have full control over your subscription and can cancel at any time. You will still have access to  Premium until the next billing date, but after that, your subscription and benefits will stop.

How to cancel

To cancel your subscription you will need to head to either our website or app, depending on which platform you signed up on. 


If you signed up for Premium via the Rayo website, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Rayo account here and head to Account Settings.
  2. Go to the Premium tab and click on Manage Your Subscription
  3. Select the option to Cancel Plan and confirm your choice.

Once cancelled you will receive an email confirmation.


If you first subscribed to Premium via our app you will need to go to where your subscriptions are managed on your device settings. From there you can unsubscribe and you will receive an email confirming this. 

How to check where you subscribed


To check if you signed up for Premium via the Rayo website, please visit this link here.

If you can't cancel your subscription on your account settings on the Rayo website, it is likely your subscription is connected to your app store.


Depending on your device, your subscription can be located via the links below:



What happens once I cancel?

Once you’ve cancelled your subscription, you will receive an email confirming the cancellation and expiry date. You can also check when this will expire by managing your subscription. 

Once this has expired you will lose access to all the features and benefits you enjoyed on Premium, but you’re always welcome back if you ever change your mind!

Note: You could be asked for feedback on your Premium experience. Any feedback you can provide is greatly appreciated as this will help us improve our features and content.

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